Records of William A. Nierenberg, 1904-1992, (bulk 1955-1986).
Related Entities
There are 7 Entities related to this resource.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Library. Archives. (corporateBody)
Scripps Institution of Oceanography (corporateBody)
Revelle, Roger, 1909-1991 (person)
Revelle (1909-1991). Research oceanographer, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. From the description of Sound recordings, 1984. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 82028116 From the description of Oral history interview with Roger Revelle: Observations on the Office of Naval Research and International Science, 1945-1960 1984 November. (University of California, San Diego). WorldCat record id: 83494102 American oceanographer. From the description of Papers, ...
Deep sea drilling project (corporateBody)
As early as 1957 earth scientists discussed the possiblity of drilling a hole through oceanic crust to the Mohorovicic discontinuity. The project became known as the Mohole Project and was supported by the National Science Foundation. The first hole was drilled in 1961. The Mohole Project was terminated in 1966. In 1964, a consortium of oceanographic institutions, the Joint Oceanographic Institutions Deep Earth Sampling (JOIDES) was formed, and in 1965 the group submitted a proposal to NSF to dr...
Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Office of the Director. (corporateBody)
Nierenberg, William Aaron, 1919-2000 (person)
Died 2000. From the description of Oral history interview with William Aaron Nierenberg, 1986 February 6 to 30 June. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 79005537 Physicist and oceanographer. Nierenberg received his B.S. from the City College of New York in 1939 and his M.A. and Ph. D. degrees in physics from Columbia in 1942 and 1947. He was a research scientist with the Manhattan Project from 1942 to 1945. He was an instructor in physics at Columbia, 1946-1948, and assistant pro...
Spiess, Fred Noel, 1919-2006 (person)
Marine physicist, born Oakland, CA December 25, 1919; University of California, Berkeley AB 1941, Ph.D. (physics) 1951; Harvard University, MS, 1946. Submariner, U.S. Navy, 1941-1956, Deputy Oceanographer of the Navy,1969-1974; Nuclear Engineer, Knolls Atomic Power Lab, Schenectady, NY, 1951-1952; Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD: Associate Research Physicist to Research Geophysicist University of California Marine Physical Laboratory (MPL), 1952-1961; Director MPL, 1958-1980; Professor...